2-4 Hours

Starting from $1780

  • Price varies depending on yacht size
  • Yachts available in San Diego and Miami
  • Size up to 35 guests San Diego only. Miami max is 12
  • Captain and crew included
  • Bad Girls cost extra: $250/hour per girl

Bachelor Party Yachts In San Diego

Bachelor Party Yachts In Miami

At Bad Girl Productions™, we specialize in organizing yacht parties for bachelors in San Diego and Miami.

Choose from a variety of our private chartered yachts that can hold a party size from 4 to 40 guests. Each yacht is carefully selected based on group size, rate, Captain and Crew, and, most importantly, the private interior cabin where the exotic dancers can do their show for the bachelor.

Life is all about enjoying the little things. So when a big thing happens, the details make it an experience that no one will forget.

If you’re looking for a unique experience for your bachelor party, make it one to remember on board a luxurious yacht surrounded by our sexy Bad Girl strippers.

You only do this once. Do it right

The Ultimate Bachelor Party Experience